Goat Milk Raw Fresh or Frozen 1/2 or 1 gallon is back in stock!

Sold out
US$6.00 US$5.00

I now package the milk in freezer safe ziplock baggies as contaniers have gone up in price. I sell by the half gallon @ $5 per half gallon. This milk is great for your animals and crafting projects per Tennessee state law. 

If you are a crafter, such as soap maker, see about our frozen ice cube formed goats milk all ready to use in your goat soap recipes without you having to do the work of refreezing it. 

If you give me a little notice of how much you need and by when, I can also sell it as fresh, not frozen. You can reserve and prepay through Paypal or pay with cash when you come to pick up. I do not ship or deliver all orders are pick up locally at the farm in Dandridge, TN. Thank you!

I'm not allowed to sell raw goat milk for human consumption per Tennessee law. ;)